C i t y o f G w e r u

Engineering Services

The Engineering Services department is headed by a substantive Director of Engineering Services Mr Robson Manatsa. His key result areas are:-

Functions of the Engineering Services Department:


Sections Include:


Street Lighting

Council operates a network of streetlights throughout the urban area and areas in the CBD. Most of the lights are high pressure sodium lamps. These are the common orange/yellow lights that can be seen in most streets. They are very efficient light source but the colour does affect how we see things and some objects may be more difficult to discern than others. LED lights are now becoming a viable option for street lighting. These lights have low energy use and a long life which reduces operating costs. They also produce a very white light which improves colour rendition and the effectiveness of the lighting


Roads Branch
Sections Include:

Functions Projects and Planning Section – project management, projects budgeting and prioritization, detailed designs and project specification, management contract, management planning reporting and evaluation. Public Lighting and Traffic Section – street lighting maintenance and design traffic lights maintenance and design, traffic safety, communication radios maintenance. Operations Construction and Maintenance – implementation of projects, implementation of maintenance plans, resource planning and monitoring quality control.


Box 278, Civic Centre,
Gweru, Zimbabwe


